Talking Heads

This short video depicts both men and women using terms for going to the toilet. It is designed to give insight into the many phrases, some of which can be seen as crude, that are used.

Know the word

We have so many words for ‘going to the toilet’ it makes sense to check what it is!

Make time to care

Here we see a patient who is able to mobilise with help but ends up in a chair.

Stay put please!

Patients living with dementia are often considered a ‘high risk’ despite being able to care for themselves.

I’ll be back

All too often, and usually with the best intentions, nurses say they will be back soon.

Missed signal

Here we see an obviously distress woman whose body language is communicating her need to go to the toilet.

It’s all about the pad

Doing the ‘pad round’ is inappropriate at the best of times. Even more so when the staff don’t engage with the patient.

No privacy

This short film portrays a scene where a nurse is more focussed on medication.